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MICROplastics – MACRO danger

News, Press


We inhale them every day. They can be found in the air, water and earth. They were also found in food. Microplastics.

Plastic objects accompany us every day. Despite the fact that we are more and more aware of the extent of plastics polluting our environment, we are only just discovering the true scale of the issues resulting from the process of their decomposition. Experts working for Blueair, a Swedish air purification company, have identified 10 ways to effectively reduce the number of microplastics in the home.

Microplastics are bits and fragments of plastics with a diameter of between 0.1 micrometre and 5 millimetres. Some of the main sources of microplastics include everyday objects such as plastic bags, toothpastes, toys and cosmetics. They can also be found in synthetic fibres used in the production of clothing and textiles. Temperature, light and friction cause the plastics to defragment.A study published by Fernando Pessoa University in Portugal shows that we inhale up to 130 tiny plastic particles every day. Along with air, microplastics go to our lungs, where it can cause changes in our respiratory system, and what is worse, our bodies are unable to get rid of it – it is a biologically stable material. Some particles permeate into the bloodstream, which can cause numerous vascular diseases. What is more, at high concentrations, microplastics can cause infections and negatively impact the nervous and immune systems.
Due to the ubiquitous nature of plastic objects in our homes, the rate of microplastics pollution inside our homes is higher than outside.
Children are the most exposed to these pollutants – due to their higher activity, they breathe faster and take up more air in relation to their body weight. In addition, babies and young children play with plastic toys, often biting and chewing on them.
The best way to diminish the hazards connected with microplastics is to reduce the number of their sources – buy fewer plastic objects, use reusable bags and avoid using plastic straws. You should also filter air in your direct surroundings. All Blueair air purifiers feature HEPASilent™ double filtration technology, which captures even the smallest particles with a size of 0.1um, including viruses, bacteria and microplastics.
Blueair calls for a global solution to the problem of microplastics in the air. We also have to raise awareness of the risks of the ubiquitous nature of plastics. There is also a need for research on the impact of microplastics on human health. Let’s take care of our health and our planet.
Find out more: https://www2.blueair.com/se/campaign/microplastic

Top 10 tips on how to reduce airborne microplastics at home

1. Ensure good ventilation in your home – the concentration of airborne plastics is much higher in indoor air than in outdoor air.

2. Vacuum frequently to free your floor from microplastic dust that collects there.

3. Reduce or remove carpets, which trap plastic fibres and particles.

4. Choose a hardwood or ceramic tile floor. Vinyl and linoleum flooring can release microplastics into the air.

5. Avoid synthetic clothing as they shed plastic fibers, which can be inhaled.

6. Use organic, natural fabrics and textiles in home furnishings.

7. Do not buy toys made of plastic or that have plastic parts. Opt for wood or natural rubber toys instead.

8. Avoid cosmetics, soap, facial scrub and toothpastes containing microbeads.

9. Drink filtered tap water instead of water from single-use plastic bottles to reduce the amount of plastic you bring into your home.

10. Put an air purifier in the rooms where you spend most of your time. All Blueair air purifiers for home remove airborne microplastics.

Additional information:

• https://www.thelancet.com/pdfs/journals/lanplh/PIIS2542-5196(17)30121-3.pdf
• https://www.researchgate.net/publication/321299826_Airborne_microplastics_Consequences_to_human_health
• https://hal-enpc.archives-ouvertes.fr/hal-01195546

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